Diaper Cakes

My best friend asked me to make a diaper cake for a baby shower and it was so much fun.

Here’s the before with some of the supplies.

And VOILA!  I wanted to venture out a bit so instead of using all pink, I incorporated some purples and I just adore the yellow giraffe!  Still looks girlie but not all pink.

The onesies and little dress were rolled up to blend in with the diapers and gave the cake a little more color.

Shopping was the best part of this whole craft project, especially since it was for a little girl.  Every dress I saw was adorable and I wanted to buy them all!!  This little coral dress with the blue flower was too cute to pass up (Target).  After seeing all the cute little clothes, it has really inspired me to try and make my babies’ clothes in the future. =)

The back of the cake is just as important. =)

Hello Miss Giraffe. =)

Here’s another diaper cake for my cousin that was super girlie and pink. =)  I’m SOOOOOO EXCITED for them and can’t wait to see the baby in a couple of months! =)

Not only are diaper cakes a nice gift, but they’re also great to use at the baby shower for decoration.